Sea Water Treatment Systems

Today, while natural water resources are decreasing, the need for clean water is increasing day by day. For this reason, the demand for clean water is increasing, and many institutions such as businesses and municipalities are turning to alternative ways, namely sea water purification.

With today's technology, we can produce solutions that can solve many problems of the modern world. We need to include water purification, which has become increasingly important in our daily lives, into these technologies. Especially sea water treatment systems are water treatment systems that can be a solution to our water problem.

The need to reach quality water from different sources is accelerating day by day due to the increasing demand of people for quality water, the fact that only 2% of the world's water reserve consists of fresh water, and it is difficult to reach quality water. At this point, one of the first resources that comes to mind is the purification of sea water and turning it into fresh water.

Seawater purification systems are reverse osmosis systems specially designed to obtain fresh water from seawater. It is used to obtain good quality potable water by passing sea water with high salinity under high pressure, through a semi-permeable membrane special to sea water.

How is Sea Water Treatment Made?


Sea water contains 96.5% water. The remaining 3.5% contains salt minerals. This ratio may seem like a very low percentage at first, but it is not suitable for the ideal taste of water and therefore for direct consumption. While the salinity of sea water may increase in regions with high temperature and evaporation, it may decrease due to mineral dilutions in areas where glacier melts occur. In addition, the gas exchange between the seas and oceans with the atmosphere allows gases such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Argon to dissolve into the water. Oxygen and nitrogen are among the factors that determine the continuity of life in the seas.

Reverse osmosis method is one of the most widely used systems in sea water treatment technologies. It is a physical purification method that works with the reverse osmosis cross flow principle and separates the salt mineral found in sea water from the water with membrane technology. The distinguishing and defining element of reverse osmosis is the application of pressure to seawater.
With reverse osmosis, while the cell walls pass clean water, they separate the minerals and leave them behind. Thus, while drinking water remains on one side of the membrane, salt residues remain on the other side.


Sea Water Treatment Systems Usage Areas


It is used in many sectors, especially in industrial facilities and hotels.

Reverse Osmosis Sea Water Treatment Systems are used in ships, hotels, hospitals, holiday villages, municipalities, industrial facilities, etc. It is used in settlements where water demand is high.